ARQ Sincrono Duplex. Utilizzato da due stazioni su frequenze differenti.
Utilizza 7 bit, l'alfabeto ITA 2-P con 4 o 8 caratteri per ciclo di
ripetizione. Inverte ogni 4° o 8° carattere.
Nel modo ARQ-N tutti i caratteri sono Eretti.
ARQ1000 DUPLEX (aka ARQ-E and ARQ-N)
This system was invented by Siemens of Germany.It is a Synchronous
Duplex ARQ system with each station using a different frequency. Using
the 7 bit ITA 2-P alphabet with 4 or 8 character repetition cycle,
inverting every 4th or 8th character to facilitate block synchronisation.
Each 5 unit character arriving from the landline connection is converted
very easily into a 7 unit code. The first bit of the 7 unit code is used
as a "character identifier element". It identifies the character as
either being a traffic character or a supervisory or control character.
If it is of start polarity if the character is a traffic character, and
of stop polarity if the character is a control signal, such as a idle
Alpha, Beta or an RQ.
There then follows, for bits 2 to 6, the normal 5 unit telegraph ITA-2
code used on the landline connection. The 7th bit is a polarity bit. It
is chosen so that the total number of stop polarity bits will be an odd
number. If an even number of stop polarity bits results from the first 6
bits of the 7 unit code, a stop polarity element will be added as the
7th bit. If on the other hand, the number of the stop polarity elements
is found to be an odd number, a start polarity element will be added (see
code table). Although only a 4 or 8 character cycle has been mentioned
above, there is also a special 5 character block length. When using
on-line crypto, it is extremely important not to lost any characters in
the continual stream of random traffic characters. To ensure that a RQ
block is not missed for what it is, a double RQ is transmitted. The
sending of a double RQ character thus ensures that the sending station
is fully aware that a repetition was requested.
There is also a SELCAL facility. When a station is called with its
station number, it automatically brings up the transmitter and returns
its selcal number back and enters the idle Beta signal state. When
traffic is finished, either station can send a special cleardown signal
which is also acknowledged but turning off both transmitters.
ARQ-N is identical to ARQ-E except that all characters are Erect, i.e.
there are no character inversions every 4 or 8 character cycle.
